Outputs from our work take many forms – here we show the structure of the programme, with highlights of work in progress listed in the sidebar.
WP1: PLACARD interchange
An open “space” for PLACARD to connect with society and professionals from research and politics who are working in CCA and DRR. The space will also work as a tool to disseminate research and innovation activities, as well as facilitate the exchange of knowledge between researchers, funders, policymakers and practitioners. Interchange is at the heart of the PLACARD project, where ideas and concepts are shaped and tested, knowledge is exchanged and where synergies between CCA and DRR are explored and maximised. Stakeholder events will help to explore and exchange ideas.
- Task 1.1: Shaping CCA and DRR research and innovation agendas. Lead: UOXF; Contributors: FFCUL, ALT, EAA, CMCC, UNIGE, SEI, RCCC, UFZ
- Task 1.2: Sharing CCA and DRR research and innovation knowledge. Lead: FFCUL; Contributors: UOXF, ALT, EAA, CMCC, UNIGE, SEI, RCCC, UFZ
- Task 1.3: Supporting CCA and DRR institutions and networks. Lead: UOXF; Contributors: FFCUL, ALT, EAA, CMCC, UNIGE, SEI/SEIO, RCCC, UFZ
WP2: Stocktaking of the decision-making context
The basis for the dialogues, assessment of gaps and barriers, and identification of weak and strong links between research, policy and practice.
- Task 2.1: Stocktaking and mapping of existing networks and partnerships, international, European and national initiatives, programmes, projects, platforms and organisations and end user needs for CCA and DRR at scales appropriate for EU-wide action. Lead: UFZ; Contributors: CMCC, FFCUL, EAA
- Task 2.2: Clustering and network analysis. Lead: CMCC; Contributors: UFZ, ALT, SEIO
WP3: Knowledge brokerage
An assessment of the fragmented knowledge in science, policy and practice in CCA and DRR will allow us to enhance the coherence between the two areas. Current and emerging themes and issues will be identified and fed into the WP1 dialogues.
- Task 3.1: Assessment of existing, but fragmented knowledge. Lead: UFZ; Contributors: ALT, UNIGE, RCCC, FFCUL, CMCC, EAA
- Task 3.2: Translation of knowledge to bridge the gaps between CCA and DRR stakeholders from science, policy and practices. Lead: ALT; Contributors: UFZ, UNIGE, RCCC, CMCC
- Task 3.3: Keeping track of evolving issues, input to prospective research agendas and synthesis of co-produced knowledge. Lead: ALT; Contributors: UFZ, EAA, UNIGE, RCCC, CMCC, FFCUL
WP4: Institutional strengthening
WP4 will develop guidance to enhance the policy coherence and improve institutional coordination at different governance and geographical scales. Promotion of foresight activities will enable a coordinated institutional response to future CCA and DRR research, and policy and practice developments.
- Task 4.1: Expanding the information and knowledge management framework to support sustainable institutional cooperation in CCA and DRR. Lead: SEIO; Contributors: EAA, CMCC, UFZ, ALT, UNIGE
- Task 4.2: Expanding guidelines to strengthen CCA and DRR institutional coordination and capacities. Lead: EAA; Contributors: SEIO, UNIGE, RCCC, UFZ, ALT
- Task 4.3: Promoting foresight activities. Lead: EAA; Contributors: UNIGE, RCCC, SEIO, FFCUL, ALT
WP5: Evaluation, learning and legacy
Development of a Theory of Change for PLACARD, setting out a framework for a cyclical reflection on PLACARD processes which will enable improvements and adjustments to be made throughout the programme. It will analyse and prepare a set of legacy options to ensure that the processes established and the knowledge generated last beyond the lifespan of the project.
- Task 5.1: Evaluation and learning Lead: UOXF; Contributors: SEI, FFCUL
- Task 5.2: Legacy analysis. Lead: SEI; Contributors: UOXF, FFCUL, ALT
- Task 5.3 Legacy dialogue. Lead: SEI; Contributors: EAA, CMCC, FFCUL, UOXF, UFZ
WP6: Communications & online platform
Development of a communication plan and online platform for PLACARD. The connectivity hub will showcase and exchange information and knowledge to compliment WP1 activities.
- Task 6.1: Communication and dissemination. Lead: UOXF; Contributors: ALT, FFCUL, CMCC, EAA
- Task 6.2 Development of the PLACARD online connectivity hub. Lead: ALT; Contributors: SEIO, CCMC, UNIGE, FFCUL
WP7: Management and coordination
Administration of activities associated with PLACARD, including reporting to EC, monitoring progress and strategically guiding the consortium towards the goals and objectives.
- Task 7.1: Project management and coordination. Lead: FFCUL; Contributors: SEI, UFZ and inputs from other partners
- Task 7.2: Progress monitoring and reporting. Lead: FFCUL and inputs from other partners