The international climate and disaster risk agreements have varying approaches to CCA and DRR – our three reports highlight where taking adaptation and risk reduction activities into account could improve cohesion between the CCA and DRR communities, as well as improve the outcome of the agreements.
SFDRR through a climate change adaptation lens
- What do the global targets of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) mean for climate change adaptation?
- Coordination with SFDRR can lead to more effective policies through joining forces, more efficient use of resources, and improved prevention and preparedness with regard to climate-related risks.
Paris Agreement through a disaster risk reduction lens
- We explored the Paris Agreement targets and priorities in the context of disaster risk reduction.
- Harmonising DRR and CCA with the global agreements will allow implementation of the Paris Agreement and the Sendai framework to reinforce each other. However, effective action will be delayed if financial pledges are not realised.
Economics, finance and the Green Deal
- While the EU Green Deal aims to bring sustainability and prosperity to Europe, there is very little mention of adaptation or disaster resilience.
- Our report identifies political, economic and financial shortcomings in the EU Green Deal, highlighting the knowledge gaps between the CCA and DRR communities. Concrete actions could eliminate overlaps or conflicting actions within both communities and counteract the fragmentation of knowledge.