Foresight workshop: facing the future of Europe’s climate

11–12 December 2018, European Commission, Brussels

The second PLACARD Foresight workshop showcased the potential of foresight methods in increasing climate resilience across Europe.

We explored how Juncker’s 5 futures of Europe can be used to assess climate and DRR risks in Europe, and to design and characterise effective response strategies for three specific impacts: heat and drought, fluvial flooding, and coastal impacts.

Facing the future of Europe’s Climate EU governance and climate risks at a crossroads

Markus Leitner, Ingrid Coninx, Rob Swart & Tiago Capela Lourenço

Session 2: Explore what these potential futures mean for climate adaptation and disaster reduction

The future of Europe and the future of climate action

Jonathan Gaventa, E3G

Strategic foresight: strengthening long-term risk management policies

Teresa Deubelli, OECD

EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change – evaluation outcomes

Maddalena Dali, DG Climate Action, European Commission

EU policies for DRR

Karolina Kalinowska, Disaster Risk Reduction, DG ECHO, European Commission

Commission proposal for the next EU Research & Innovation Programme (2021–2027) Horizon Europe