11–12 December 2018, European Commission, Brussels
The second PLACARD Foresight workshop showcased the potential of foresight methods in increasing climate resilience across Europe.
We explored how Juncker’s 5 futures of Europe can be used to assess climate and DRR risks in Europe, and to design and characterise effective response strategies for three specific impacts: heat and drought, fluvial flooding, and coastal impacts.
Facing the future of Europe’s Climate EU governance and climate risks at a crossroads
Markus Leitner, Ingrid Coninx, Rob Swart & Tiago Capela Lourenço
Session 2: Explore what these potential futures mean for climate adaptation and disaster reduction
The future of Europe and the future of climate action
Jonathan Gaventa, E3G
Strategic foresight: strengthening long-term risk management policies
Teresa Deubelli, OECD
EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change – evaluation outcomes
Maddalena Dali, DG Climate Action, European Commission
EU policies for DRR
Karolina Kalinowska, Disaster Risk Reduction, DG ECHO, European Commission
Commission proposal for the next EU Research & Innovation Programme (2021–2027) Horizon Europe