SPINE (Stakeholder and boundary organisations, knowledge Platforms, policy and research Initiatives, existing Networks/ partnerships and End user needs) is a collection of information on a number of actors involved in climate change adaptation (CCA) and disaster risk reduction (DRR). The SPINE analysis provides an overview of the CCA & DRR landscape in Europe.
The data provided the input for the Social Network Analysis (SNA), that investigated the interactions of a selected group of stakeholders, and quantitatively assessed the importance of each node in the network.
SPINE has been developed in cooperation with the Enhancing Synergies for disaster PRevention in the EurOpean Union (Espresso) project. The current version of the database includes 322 entities covering international, regional and national stakeholders (295 key stakeholders) as well as 27 key activities.
Stakeholder orientation
The SPINE stakeholders generally tend to be slightly more DRR orientated with a share of around 48%, while the CCA share is around 32 % with roughly 20 % active in both fields.
Target region
A large fraction (44 %) of the stakeholders act at a national level and around one third have a global or international focus. About one quarter of stakeholders are regionally focused.
CCA sector fields of work
The fields of work in the CCA sector are dominated by climate services (41.18 %) and environmental protection (35.29 %). Other areas of work with smaller shares include governance, research and innovation, civil protection, sustainable development and climate change research.
DRR sector fields of work
In DRR, larger clusters are found around civil protection (34.48 %), humanitarian aid (24.14 %) and insurance (20.69 %) sectors, while risk assessment and research and innovation make up minor areas of work (around 10 % each).
Type of institution
Based on the information collected, we identified significant differences in the institutional types of CCA and DRR stakeholders. Whereas the CCA landscape is mostly dominated by platforms (27.16 %), networks (17.28 %) and research institutions (17.28 %), the DRR stakeholders tend to be more part of government bodies (38.83 %), companies (12.62 %) and NGOs (16.5 %).